Wrote a Poem

Hi folks. I won’t take too much of your time. But I wrote a poem and now you can read it.

In Carcosa;

Lamentia & Dolores swept calmly to the sea;

The witches laughed and played their games

In subtle harmony

While black stars rose and islands sank

Demurely neath the waves,

Idols cracked and locals wept,

Beneath the Stygian graves.

What LO, said one, unto the other,

A stranger does approach.

They laugh and smile and take his hand,

And palm a tiny broach.

The stranger did not smile back,

His face a rictus torn;

The angels smiled and askéd back,

Why be so ever worn?

The eyes, they rise, and dimly catch

Of silent setting sun

His cheeks are stretched and tattered,

His skin a hollow dun

For forty years he stalked these shores,

Or so his story went

Til youth was gone and mind was worn

The mind once straight was bent.

In love he was, but love was lost

His story rambled on;

Until the witching coven bored

And man had to be gone.

They guide him down to moonlit rows

And into chilly catacombs

Before the earthen blacklit mire,

And showed him fruits that they conspired.

“This now,” they cried, “shall be your tomb,

“Your endless and unrented room,”

And back they went to moonlit shore

Leaving behind their captured ward.

They say he stays there unto now,

And on the witching hours

The sisters can collude at last,

Returned to all their powers.

Young fellow, go not out at night

When goats do rut in pallid light,

Or far from fall-tide’s hellish fire

Far from the shouts of priest and crier

For down amongst those moonlit glades,

The sisters sing the Hyadës,

And tempt the yeomen to their doom

Far underneath the harvest moon.