Imperial DevOps

"The entire Russian empire is ruled by ten thousand clerks!" ~Tsar Alexander II, final words Why did I choose this life? Well, for starters, I was born into it. Then, a lot happened. I walked, grew up, ran, swam, got spat on, turned on a computer, learned to…

The Miracle

What follows is mostly fiction. But also some fun. Enjoy it at your own risk. Rigbault dragged the body up the hill. Or what was left of it. Eldridge had been reduced significantly since his latest battle with the Dragon. Now, the Dragon was not a dragon per se. He…

The Speed of Sight

Why write less? Strunk & White always said to make sure you eliminate every unnecessary word. And I agree; the purpose of communicating should be clarity first and foremost. It's not an easy standard to maintain; first, you've got to gather all the grain (your thoughts)…

[Audience Laughter|Audible Gasp]

Just had a scare. Which is appropriate, Halloween being proximate to this time of year. Trying to upgrade the platform for this website, it became unresponsive. Pages did not load. The site was unresponsive. There were issues with dependency versioning. And so on and so forth. Thankfully at the end…

Opera Magni

My Latin is not good, which is why I gave this article its title. But maybe it's useful to be able to write great works. I choose to be humble here and say that such things are above me. But maybe this can be used as a sort…

On Gaza

The princes are prostrate, crying 'Peace!' [...] Plundered is Canaan with every evil; Carried off is Ashkelon; Seized upon is Gezer; Yanoam is undone; Israel is laid waste-its grain spoiled; kHarru has become a widow of Egypt. All lands together are pacified. Everyone who was restless has been bound.…

Freaky times on the Frontier

You may not be aware of this, but as I write this, the site has been down for the past sixteen hours. During some general reorganization of the Hartr.Net domain, I decided to relegate the blog portion to the blog. prefix instead of leaving it as the base domain.…

Zoned pt. 2

We woke up, hours later, outside The Camp. The Camp is usually the first thing we see when we go into the ZEL zone-space. It used to be a boy scout camp named after what had at some point been a local Indian tribe. I'm not sure whether…