Evening Everybody

Hi folks. How have you been? I ask you to come use this site because I don’t really use Facebook that much anymore. I find the platform is simultaneously constricting and too open. And it concerns me, especially when I see that other platforms like Google more or less operate the same way.

I hope that everyone’s been staying safe and keeping care of their loved ones and those that rely on them. We live in a crazy and unpredictable world this point in time, and sometimes there’s other we can do to protect the ones we love. Back in the day I know if you at least rely on my dad to copy edit these articles make sure that all the spelling and editorial marks were correct. But he’s not here anymore, and it can be sad…I just wish he were still here.

Who will remember the life that we once had? The people that were close to us that is now gone? There is only us, the survivors. And the memory that not everyone who is worth it made it through

But even while we miss all those who are gone, we’re gonna pull harder on all the accomplishments that we’re making here. I’m working on writing more of this site, I’m smoking less, I’m taking better care of my family. Lots of weird shit has happened this year. There’s no getting past that. But it's up to us to make the next one.

Thank you as always for reading my blog. It always feels like screaming at the void, and while I sit here on my porch repeating in monotone what kind of things I want published on my website I think about you. I’m not sure who you are: maybe been my friend since day one, or maybe you're a total stranger different continent. Maybe you’re reading this out of an archive in deep space. Maybe you’re a alien archaeologists trying to understand English (I really hope that’s the case--it would be a good reminder that other curious eyes will be looking back at us even when everyone goes).

I like to end with a note of hope, even in spaces where those don’t necessarily exist. But the fact that we’re still coming together in this time of darkness, in this time of the plague, and in this time of uncertainty. We’re here, and there’s nothing that can be done about it. All we can do is trust in ourselves.

Good night and good luck.