More stuff, more problems: my first Die Hard post

As I’ve built up this site, I’ve decided to throw more and more stuff into it. I mentioned in a previous post how its original iteration was just an HTML document slapped onto a nonfunctional security gateway. Now, it’s a more complex animal: a full blog website,…

The Morning After

Woof, quite a thanksgiving! The wife and I spent last night with some family friends in the suburbs, where I relentlessly shilled this site to whoever would listen. Times were had, the turkey was excellent, and I somehow even found room for dessert. Heading back home down I-90, I thought…

Hello world!

Welcome to the new site! The title you see above is the default WordPress statement, but I thought it would be a fun standard for my first real blog post. I’m sure you’d like to know offhand: what is this site for? I purchased the domain…