Some Technical Things

I’ve been doing a lot more research lately in an attempt to get up-to-date on the world as it exists in the enterprise IT operations world. Just a few years ago I was throwing server racks into the back of my Hyundai and driving them between sites during planned…

Site duration

Most of my site durations are about two minutes and eighteen seconds. So maybe it makes sense to have the stuff that I write to be readable in that amount of time. Maybe less. The secondary question is whether or not the majority of those visitors are bots. That’s…

Back at it

First of all, thanks for coming to this site. I put a decent amount of work into it, and I’m glad to see the metrics and the people popping in from time to time. I should apologize for the lag between entries, but we all have the rest of…

On Presence

This article might be a little bit longer. And probably not as poetic as the first one. It may be jarring, obtuse, infuriating and maybe none of these things. One thing it will be is a commentary on the existence of stuff itself. And non-stuff, which may technically be a…

On Ma

I’m going to be curt in this post because that is the nature of its subject. Ma is a Japanese concept defined by Wikipedia as “gap”, “space”, “pause” or “the space between two structural parts.” When you clap, the silences between the claps are Ma. It is present in…

Moving Onward

I’m sure everybody has had a tough year in 2019. I know that my father passed away in September, which was a brutal occurrence for me. But now it’s December, and we can celebrate the waning of this period. Lots of things have occurred, but we can set…

More stuff, more problems: my first Die Hard post

As I’ve built up this site, I’ve decided to throw more and more stuff into it. I mentioned in a previous post how its original iteration was just an HTML document slapped onto a nonfunctional security gateway. Now, it’s a more complex animal: a full blog website,…

The Morning After

Woof, quite a thanksgiving! The wife and I spent last night with some family friends in the suburbs, where I relentlessly shilled this site to whoever would listen. Times were had, the turkey was excellent, and I somehow even found room for dessert. Heading back home down I-90, I thought…