You're not (just) a Programmer

At least, you shouldn't consider yourself one. The other day, I was getting my oil changed in Jefferson Park and having a conversation with a fellow client who had come by to get lubed. While discussing the lockdown and general WFH malaise, she asked me what I did…

Well, Kinda

So it's a month and 5 days later. I didn't stick to my plans quite as rigidly as I would've hoped to, but... I learned a good deal. I know how HTML works better now, which definitely helps me manage this site overall. Going…

Keeping Honest

When I was young, one of my friends had a dad who was a programmer. Perl, to be specific. My dad, back at home, spent his days on the phones convincing strangers to buy a product he had been briefed on. But this guy, from my perspective, created entire worlds.…

Everything is New. Even the server.

So, quick observation. I'm never going back to WordPress. Yes, it works. But it's haggard with age and frankly hazardous to use. I'm not sure if you've read my previous articles, but I was getting an average of two hacking attempts every…

Something is different

Good evening folks! Hope your preceding days, weeks, and months have been safe and enjoyable. It's been a crazy couple of weeks if you live in the Western hemisphere. Moving in tandem with the rest of the change, I've decided to officially (and permanantly) move my…

Evening Everybody

Hi folks. How have you been? I ask you to come use this site because I don’t really use Facebook that much anymore. I find the platform is simultaneously constricting and too open. And it concerns me, especially when I see that other platforms like Google more or less…

Getting Hacked: Protection is Free, I Scream 'Use It'

I can’t legally admit that I was ever hacked. But sometimes people close to me get it. When I can’t respond in time, bad things happen. True, with great sysadmin powers come great responsibility. But in another truth, the rivers of data that connect us together are leakier…