This Parrot is Deceased

It's never easy to change, but sometimes we have to. I've decided, probably for the 9th time in the past 18 years, to try learning Python again. I can already do some silly manipulation, get the drift of arrays, and can print out relevant data points. But I'm not comfortable…

Goals & Goal Realms

in 2019, I started seeing a therapist. I did because, in my wife's words, I was getting out of control. She wasn't wrong. I had been abusing myself. Getting into fits of rage over nothing. I hated my job, feeling like everything that I attempted was turning into an abortive…

Airport Control

My wife & I are sitting at LaGuardia airport after a couple of days in Connecticut with some friends. Personally, I am running on approximately 3 hours of sleep, so my thoughts may be a little confused and ramshackle at this point. That part is fine. As always, the important thing…

You're not (just) a Programmer

At least, you shouldn't consider yourself one. The other day, I was getting my oil changed in Jefferson Park and having a conversation with a fellow client who had come by to get lubed. While discussing the lockdown and general WFH malaise, she asked me what I did for work.…

Well, Kinda

So it's a month and 5 days later. I didn't stick to my plans quite as rigidly as I would've hoped to, but... I learned a good deal. I know how HTML works better now, which definitely helps me manage this site overall. Going through all those variated tutorials at…

Keeping Honest

When I was young, one of my friends had a dad who was a programmer. Perl, to be specific. My dad, back at home, spent his days on the phones convincing strangers to buy a product he had been briefed on. But this guy, from my perspective, created entire worlds.…

Everything is New. Even the server.

So, quick observation. I'm never going back to WordPress. Yes, it works. But it's haggard with age and frankly hazardous to use. I'm not sure if you've read my previous articles, but I was getting an average of two hacking attempts every day from the People's Republic of China. Sometimes…